The workshop is organized as part of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05) and will be held from July 31 to August 1, 2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland, immediately prior to the technical conference. IJCAI also includes a tutorial on preferences, which will be held on July 30, PM.
Workshop attendees need not register for the main IJCAI conference, but are encouraged to do so. The number of participants is limited.
Interested participants should submit a paper formatted using the standard IJCAI guidelines (6 pages in two-column format including title, author names, abstract, and body) by emailing a PDF or Postscript file to both of the main workshop organizers by the date indicated below.
April 3 2005: submission of papers
May 8, 2005: notification about acceptance
May 25, 2005: submission of camera-ready version
Please consult the following web pages for further information on IJCAI formatting guidelines and templates (except for the instructions on blind review):
Formatting guidelines in PDF format (ijcai05.pdf)