7th Multidisciplinary Workshop on

Advances in Preference Handling


Martin Kronegger, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler and Reinhard Pichler:

A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets

Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi and Kristen Brent Venable:

Soft constraints in stable matching problems

Wei Huang and Jian Lou:

A Parallel Elicitation-Free Protocol for Allocating Indivisible Goods

Nicholas Mattei, Nina Narodytska and Toby Walsh:

How hard is it to control an election by breaking ties?

Umberto Grandi, Andrea Loreggia, Francesca Rossi, Kristen Brent Venable and Toby Walsh:

Restricted Manipulation in Iterative Voting: Condorcet Efficiency and Borda Score

Ulle Endriss and Umberto Grandi:

Binary Aggregation by Selection of the Most Representative Voter

Loizos Michael and Demetra Stavrou:

Auctioning License Plate Numbers

Matthew Spradling, Judy Goldsmith, Xudong Liu, Chandrima Dadi and Zhiyu Li:

Roles and Teams Hedonic Game

Wei Huang and Jian Lou:

Allocating Indivisible Resources under Price Rigidities in Polynomial Time

Martin Lackner:

Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates

Weiwei Cheng and Eyke Huellermeier:

A Nearest Neighbor Approach to Label Ranking based on Generalized Labelwise Loss Minimization

Cristina Cornelio, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Francesca Rossi and K. Brent Venable:

Dynamic Probabilistic CP-nets

Yongjie Yang and Jiong Guo:

Complexity of Control Behaviors in k-Peaked Elections for a Variant of Approval Voting

Xudong Liu and Miroslaw Truszczynski:

Aggregating Conditionally Lexicographic Preferences Using Answer Set Programming Solvers

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